

Every girl has a dream. but life makes love look hard.
Some evenings you just want to float away. forget the past. Look at the future. moments when the world is a starry night. Whens the world is a lucky number one. When the world is a surprise present. When the world is a door to new lands. When it's advent. When the world is just the very first page to a story. When he's the only one in the world. When landry day is magic. When hotels turn to castles. When friendships blossom. When the door opens. When you hear a secret. When you dance fearless.

Those moments are enchanted.

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1 comment:

  1. loved these! that poetry was beautiful, and the pictures made my heart soar <♥>

    i follow you now! you can check out my blog at http://cubettescorner.blogspot.com/ and follow if you like =) i'm having a big winter giveaway.


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