
chapter next...


So much has happened over the summer I thought it would be best to give you all a little up-date. As you probably last heard I was planning on being a nanny for a family who would give me lanuage lessons. Well...it is a long story but those plans did not work out. At first, after some tears, I felt so uncertain and lost. Where did the Lord want me? I was so sure this was His plan right now. Meanwhile I was reciveving all this news while stuck in Germany, not where I was supposed to be. So I prayed and prayed. Somewhere out there, the Lord had a plan. I started looking once more at college options but everything with that I had tossed out months ago. I felt hopeless. That day I re-sent my email saying I was looking for a nanny job. Two hours later I got a response from someone saying they knew a friend in search.

 Later that day I got a email:

Dear Miss Moore,
My wife passed away last month and we are in need of a nanny/housekeeper. If you are still looking, me and my three kids have a basement you can live in. You'd watch the kids all the day, clean the house while they are at school, and cook meals for us. My kids are 8, 6, and 2. We can talk more, but please email me back if that might work.

Immediately I knew this was the right way to go. I responded back yes. They wanted me to come as soon as possible so I packed everything I had into two suitcases and a backpack. The rest I sold or gave away. I rode a bus down to their house in Tennessee, where the other family I was going to nanny for lives, and am happily settling in tonight. Peter, Olivia, and Josh are the cutest kids ever and I am the happiest nanny who ever was. Work starts monday and I just can't wait.

My plans are ever-changing but this is the place I belong now. During everything God has been faithful and he will be again! This is the mission I am to take on right now and I am so thrilled about it. Not exactly what I thought I would be doing but it's what the Lord wants me to do. I can't wait to help these children learn more about Jesus and serve their family.

I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do in this next chapter of my blooming story.


  1. oh congrats Maya. this is awesome. it is amazing how God can change the bad for good!

  2. Congrats! I'm so happy for you, God is really working in your life. Best of luck Maya! I can't wait to see what God is planning for you in your life :)

  3. Awesome! what a great way to share God's love to people! I hope whatever you do God's leads:)



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