
A Ship Of Dreams

Hidden in my heart is a ship of dreams. A empty hallway filled with broken things. When I was younger this was a place to explore. A place to hide things. When I became a teenager I started to lock things inside. Keeping it my own place away from the world. As I have grown, I have filled this ship with more dreams than I can bear. I've locked it and hidden the key.

Don't we all have a ship within ourselves? A ship that will never sail. But one we dream of sailing. We desire to sail it far away.

Whats in your ship? Your hallway? Mine's a mixture of lost lovers, plane tickets, half-written stories, and keys to doors I can't find.

Will my ship ever sail? who knows. I hope. I do know one thing. One day I'll find love....true love...and I'll give him the key to my ship of dreams.


  1. I’d have to say… You paint pictures with your words. Wow. Just wow.

  2. I’d have to say… You paint pictures with your words. Wow. Just wow.

  3. I’d have to say… You paint pictures with your words. Wow. Just wow.


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